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School Uniform

The All Saints school uniform contributes towards the aims of our school.  It helps towards bringing the children together in a calm, industrious and collaborative working atmosphere.  We expect all children in the school to wear it on each school day.

Please could the children come to school each day wearing:


  • school sweatshirts or cardigans (navy with school logo in gold)
  • grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore
  • white collared shirt, blouse or polo-shirt
  • sensible brown, black or navy school shoes (no Air Force trainers, deck shoes, high heels, trainers, shoes without heel straps, inappropriate boots e.g. UGG boots and no shoes without socks)
  • plain socks (white, grey or navy)
  • yellow gingham Summer dresses (when appropriate)

Please could the children come to school each day with:

PE Kit

  • Yellow T-shirt
  • Navy shorts
  • Daps and/or trainers
  • Long hair to be tied up
  • Earrings (if left in) to be covered with micro-pore tape (provided by child)
  • Fleece/sweatshirt and tracksuit bottoms for outside in winter months

If your child is unable to participate in PE for medical reasons a letter must be provided.

Jewellery/Nail Varnish

In the interest of health and safety stud earrings (one pair in lobe only) and small watches are the only items of jewellery that should be worn in school. Nail varnish is not to be worn.


Please keep hair within the generally smart appearance set by the uniform (e.g. no crew or Mohican style cuts, tram lines, coloured hair pieces, braids or over-decorative toggles.)

Naming your Child’s Belongings

Please ensure that your child’s belongings are named as clearly as possible. As I am sure you know, children are very good at putting things down and forgetting where! Searching for them is made so much easier if things are named. This is particularly true of sweatshirts, cardigans and PE kit please.


Jesus says, “All things are possible if you believe.”  Mark 9:23