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All Saints Church School Governors


 Sarah Foy   Chair  2023-2024

I grew up in the Somerset village of Odcombe and attended Odcombe Cof E Primary school and was part of Odcombe church choir. After completing my degree in Mathematics and Radio, Film and TV in Canterbury I worked at the BBC in London for 5 years. I then returned home to Somerset where I met my husband and worked for Westlands Helicopters. I live in Montacute with my family, and all 3 of my children attended All Saints school. The children at school are familiar with my cat Monty, who regularly visits them. We have a Jack Russell dog called Reggie who I enjoy walking. I am a foundation governor and attend Yeovil Community Church.

Being a Foundation Governor enables me to put my faith into action and share my values practically. My passion for exploring new ways for children to connect with God in their prayer has led me to be involved in The School Prayer Week and run a Prayer Workshop for all staff. The beginning of each meeting we hold opens in prayer, asking for Wisdom in the strategic decisions we make; remembering our school bible verse where Jesus said “All things are possible if you believe”, Mark 9:24. As part of the Ethos Committee, together we launched our School Vision and Values, which resulted in us running a Vision and Values Workshop day for all the children.  Guided by comprehensive training given by the BWMAT and Diocese of Bath and Wells, the role of a foundation governor has given me a new purpose, opportunities to establish new friendships, and allowed me to develop valuable new skills.


  Image preview   Michelle Coombe Vice Chair

Hello, my name is Michelle Coombe and I am a Foundation Governor.  I have been part of the All Saints Community since September 2013 when my oldest child joined the school in Acorns.  I have been heavily involved in the FOAS over the last 10 years and am now delighted to serve the School as a Governor.  I am a fully qualified Management Accountant, and currently work as the Deputy Chief Finance Officer in a Yeovil Primary MAT.  I am using all of this school and financial experience as a Governor, and am currently the Vice Chair of Governors and Chair the Business Committee.

  Nick Clarke

I am a Foundation Governor and the Rector of the Ham Hill Villages Benefice which includes the churches of St Catherine’s church in Montacute and St Peter’s and St Pauls in Odcombe. I was born and bought up in a small village of Northchurch in rural Hertfordshire, attending St Mary’s church where I was baptised and confirmed. I have been lucky to have a very varied career including seven years as a Detective in the Metropolitan Police. I then spent 40 years as an officer, helicopter pilot, Squadron Commanding Officer, Ship’s Captain and Chaplain in the RN until I retired in 2010. I then worked as Chief Pilot of Devon and Cornwall Police Helicopter and Air Ambulance unit before God called me to Ministry. I trained at Sarum Theological College in Salisbury and was Ordained in 2017 and became your Rector in November 2020. I am married to Kath, a local GP and have three grown up children. My hobbies are flying, sailing and classic car and motorbike restoration.


Heidi Daniel

I am the Staff Governor, as well as Class 1 teacher and Forest School Lead, at our amazing school. I have been a Governor for the last six years and am committed to working with our Headteacher and staff to make our school the best it can be. I love spending time in school as a Governor, teacher and parent seeing how our school's vision and values are embedded and in-action throughout each class across the whole school. 


 Hayley Thurlow

I moved to Stoke Sub Hamdon with my husband seven years ago when we were first expecting our little girl Lexi, who is now a pupil at All Saints School.  Since then, we have been busy renovating our house and have also been blessed with a little boy, who attends the preschool in Montacute.  I really love where we live and, as a foundation governor at All Saints, am very passionate about the ethos and values at the school, and about supporting our community to live these values. I was born in Cambridgeshire and, having completed an English Literature degree at Southampton University, spent some years working in consumer insight, before retraining and qualifying as a Nutritional Therapist in 2016.   I now run a private practice and spend some of my working week at the Health Centre at Sherborne Girls’ School.  I also work part-time for Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership, as a Health Coach. I am passionate about good food and supporting people to lead healthy, happy, and active lives.  I love to cook, garden and grow and find joy in helping young people connect with nature.   I am probably at my happiest covered in soil with a glass of wine in hand!


  Rachel Jones

I’m Rachel Jones, one of the parent governors; my daughter is currently in Year 2 and thoroughly enjoying her experiences as a student at the school. As a parent and an educator, I’m looking forward to supporting the staff to maintain the excellent standards they all strive for. A degree in History from UCL led me to teacher training and secondary school teaching. I completed my teacher training placements in Yeovil and Chard, getting to know a little of the area surrounding Ham Hill through that experience. When I got to know my now husband, Rob, 8 years ago, I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the area again. When we knew we were having a child it took little discussion to conclude that the place we felt they would be cared for best would be All Saints, our decision has been affirmed every year she’s been at the school.  After spending twenty years teaching in Weymouth, in January 2022 I made the decision to change jobs so that I could teach closer to home and took a job at Huish Episcopi Academy. This gave me the time and flexibility to be able to volunteer regularly within the school last year as a reading partner. This experience was a pleasure - getting to know students and staff throughout the school led to me believing that standing as a governor would be very worthwhile. I look forward to spending more time in school listening to staff, getting to know more of the students and seeing how educational strategies are impacting on students and staff. 


  Rebecca Lewins

I have been Clerk to Governors at All Saints since September 2023 but have clerked for various schools around Somerset since 2008. I have a substantive role at Somerset Registration Service, within Somerset Council, but continue to clerk as I still have a keen interest in education, my daughters both having gone through the education system in Somerset and my grandson due to start school next year. I live just outside Ilminster with my youngest daughter and two cats, and when not working, I like to spend time with my family and am happiest pottering around in my garden.

This Register details current governors, or those who have left the governing committee within the academic year.

Date of most recent review: September 2023 


Type of Governor / Appointing body


Term dates

2022/23 Meetings attended

Business / Personal interest

Sarah Foy


Chair of Governors; Safeguarding; Headteacher appraisal; admissions

21/01/2020 -20/01/2024


Current Employment -  Simply Advice Ltd

Sharon Bowditch

Staff (Headteacher)





Rebecca Lewins

MAT appointed

Clerk to Governors




Rev Nick Clarke


Ethos Committee Co-Chair

01/10/2021 -30/09/2025



Michelle Coombe


Vice-Chair; Business Committee Chair; Pupil Premium; Headteacher appraisal; admissions

10/05/2021 -09/05/2025


parent of a pupil ; Deputy Chief Finance Officer for a Primary MAT in Yeovil

Hayley Furlow


Ethos Committee Co-Chair

07/04/2022 -06/04/2026



Tony Westcott

MAT appointed

Health & Safety

20/05/2023 -19/05/2027


Family member works at school

Heidi Daniel



06/07/2021 -05/07/2025


Part-time teacher, Class 1 & employed externally by the school to deliver Forest School. Parent to child in Class 1

Andrew Wood (non-voting)


Assistant Headteacher







  Jesus says, “All things are possible if you believe.”  Mark 9:23